When it comes to knowing the secret of a long life, who is better placed than a centenary? Some say that everything is a matter of eating healthy or exercising daily, while others say they were lucky enough to have good genes. There was even a woman named Susannah Mushatt Jones who claimed that eating bacon was the reason she was 116 years old. [1]
In 2015, Holiday Retirement commissioned a national survey of US centenarians, real people who have lived more than 100 years. She understood questions about what it takes to live a long and rewarding life. In short, the secrets were spending time with the family, saving money from the start, solving your problems instead of running away from them and being active [2] .
The least conventional answer we've ever seen is probably from Jessie Gallan, 109, from Scotland.
The secret of a long life of Jessie Gallan
Gallan was born in 1906 on a farm in Kintore, Scotland, in a family of five sisters and a brother. In a tiny two-room cottage, they all slept on a mattress filled with straw. Although she attended school for a while, she went to work in the kitchen of a farm and then as a cleaning lady in town for a wealthy businessman. This was followed by a career in the service sector, both in town and in the countryside. [3]
Finally, Gallan moved into Crosby House, a retirement home for the elderly. Gillian Bennett, one of her companions at the time, told STV: [3] "Jessie is a lovely woman. She has her best friend here, Sarah Jane, and they are always together. She loves her music and exercise class and is a very independent person. She walks around all the time. "
Judging by Bennett's kind words, it would seem that Gallan would also attribute his long life to being active and being social. However, although she passed away in March 2015, her secret to a long life is different from everyone we've heard!
" My secret of a long life has been to stay away from men, " said Gallan. [3] "They are just more problems than they are worth. "
Although we can hear a resounding AMEN from other women around the world, Gallan's secret does have a dietary component ...
"I like my porridge. I have my whole life. "
Even though Jessie Gallan did not mention any of the points in the above survey, she experienced them ... From being social to being active, maybe staying away from men was the icing on the cake. kept it so long!
We do not tell you to stay away from marriage if you want to live long. Rather, we emphasize that a combination of healthy (and sometimes unconventional) habits and lifestyle choices can help extend your life ... potentially up to 100 years of age and older!
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