Many cases of "dementia" are actually side effects of prescription drugs or vaccines, according to research - santénutrition

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Many cases of "dementia" are actually side effects of prescription drugs or vaccines, according to research

The facts provided by the Alzheimer's Association are quite disturbing: more than five million Americans live with Alzheimer's disease and this number is expected to reach 16 million by 2050. The sixth leading cause of death in the United States, it kills more of Americans as prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. A person develops Alzheimer's disease every 66 seconds; will you be one of them?
With such statistics, it is not surprising that people want to do everything in their power to reduce their chances. However, it is also important to note that Alzheimer's disease is only one of the potential causes of dementia. While many people use the terms interchangeably, Alzheimer's is responsible for only 50 to 70% of dementia cases. Misleading terminology masks a very dark fact about dementia: it's often not caused by something scientists still have a hard time understanding like Alzheimer's, but rather by things that pretend to be tools good health; vaccines and prescription drugs.
In fact, the Alzheimer's Association that publishes these statistics is subsidized by Big Pharma. It's just business savvy to want people to believe that every memory loss patient is part of Alzheimer's because they can sell you drugs that are supposed to treat it. Their research has led them to an approach that works: to promote and destigmatize what many consider to be "mental illnesses", giving the impression that they can not be prevented, but controlled with drugs. Many people who work for the Alzheimer's Association and similar organizations are well-meaning people who want to help and often do not know the connection between them and Big Pharma.

You have more control over "dementia" than you want to believe

Is not it a coincidence that cases of dementia have increased at the same time that children, such as adults, are over-vaccinated (influenza vaccine, someone?) And that excessive prescription of brain-damaging drugs, such as antidepressants, is widespread.
A help guide based on a report from Harvard University recognizes this. According to the report , "drugs are often responsible for mental decline." As the body ages, the liver's effectiveness in metabolizing drugs decreases and the kidneys do not clear them as quickly as before. Medications accumulate in the body, which means that those taking multiple medications are particularly susceptible to this effect.
Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, corticosteroids, narcotics, antihistamines, cardiovascular medications and anticonvulsants are included in the list of medications published in the guide. It is a very wide range of medications and many older people take drugs belonging to one or more of these categories. In fact, you may want to go check your medicine cabinet now.
A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has established a correlation between the use of popular drugs such as Benadryl and other anticholinergic drugs and the onset of dementia . According to the researchers, patients who took these drugs for three years or more were 54% more likely to develop the disease.
Vaccines are also responsible for symptoms confused with dementia . Dementia is more and more often diagnosed in people in their forties, and experts believe that environmental factors must be responsible in these cases. Thimerosal containing mercury has been widely used in childhood vaccines until 2001 and remains in some vaccines, including influenza vaccines, to date. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found that mercury exposure can cause many changes in Alzheimer's patients , including impaired cognitive function and memory, as well as confusion.
Researcher Richard Deth said, "Mercury clearly contributes to neurological problems, the rate of which increases with rising mercury levels. It seems that both are linked together. "
Another common ingredient found in vaccines, aluminum, has also been associated with dementia.
It's a very smart way to turn the machine around for Big Pharma: to convince people that they need vaccines or medicines, and when these vaccines or drugs cause other side effects and diseases, sell even more drugs to counter them. And the best part for them is that because mental decline is involved, it reduces the chances of people realizing what is really happening here.

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